Working in Partnership in Health and Social Care setting

Despite tremendous achievement that one would imagine of from working partnerships, the process is multilateral. It entails a complex network of relationships which applies in planning, contracting, training and staff development, learning, joint commissioning, monitoring and working with carers as well as users. As a learner this is critical as it enlightens me on the complexity of the system entailed in partnership hence preparedness to counter probable future challenges in a working environment. In a healthcare setup, partnership between, employers, healthcare employees, and patients harmonizes all the goals from the members, brings a sense of determination and responsibility hence easing service delivery. The potential to take up risk is more justified in a team (two or more individuals of diverse professionalism joined together with a common goal) than individual. This is because, diverse decisions from all team players are converged and a common coherent decision is reached.

Everyone can take up the responsibility to safeguard and implement the outlined plan for universal achievement. Learning partnership topic enables one realize the core values which one requires to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the partnership which includes, respect commitment, experience, will, and expertise. This ensures easy communication, planning and approach to arising matters in a holistic and a more confident way than as with individuals. Therefore, partnership is an important topic in delivering services in health and social care centres. According to (Gilmore et al., 2011), a good working partnership gives the employee as a clear understanding of his/her duties as well as instilling a sense of responsiveness. Glasby and Lester (2004) refers working in partnership as a must do which determines the function of political, economic and practical reasons in a working environment. Learning and working in a partnership will, therefore, instil the realization of the necessity of common understanding in my future endeavours. Of great importance, professionals partnerships emphasize the need for working together as a tool towards achieving satisfactory outcomes for children and families (Bruder, 2010).

On the other hand, Trepanier-Street, (2010) outlines the importance of partnership in attending children developmental needs disabilities and other special needs. Similarly, the involved professional’s benefits as they gain diverse expertise and experience from new exposures in informal and formal learning from their peers at the workplace (McWayne et al. 2008). The informal learning takes place through reflection and communication while formal through mentoring and coaching. Learning this will increase my motivation to work together with other professionals, which would not have been a motivation if the knowledge wasn’t acquired. As indicated by (Glasby and Lester, 2004) institution such as mental health have a myriad of agencies which include, health care, housing, social care, welfare advice and human resource. These involve complex bureaucracies which render negotiations limited. Integration of these agencies eases and ensures success in the utilization of scarce resources. This ensures minimization of bureaucracies as well as duplication hence adequate utilization of staff (Glasby and Lester, 2004). Without this, the functioning of an institution stagnates and fails to meet service demands by the users. Learning this topic will, therefore, instil these cues hence capacitating me to handle such cases in working places in future.

Understanding of these bureaucracies from the topic and the successful methods to counter the effects will also impact my performance in future.Learning these motivation factors and key drivers in partnerships which include increasing efficiency, improving inclusiveness and integration Bristow et al., (2003), a learner can be well prepared to handle future tasks in an all-inclusive manner. Learning these motivating factors will enable me to do a personal assessment in their capacity to run or be involved in the partnership. By acquiring the motivation collection of information, planning and implementation of plans turn out easy. The performance is effective and efficient as each of the members major in his specialized area as the others major in other aspects (Williams and Sullivan 2007). A good example is the theatre room coordination. The surgeon specifically deals with the operation while the aesthetician deals with the machines to ensure the patient remains in the right condition for the operation. On the other hand, the nurse ensures all the requirements are in place as required by the surgeon. In cases where this form of communication lacks then the operation turns out a failure. In worse situation is where a surgeon tries to do an operation with deficient of the other professionals or with an unskilled professional in any given task. The highest chances are the operation will turn out failure.

The acquired spirit of partnership creates a conducive environment for referrals since the involved professionals are well aware of their counterpart’s skills, and expertise (Williams and Sullivan 2007). Assuming instances when peers working in the same compound are not aware of each others roles and skills, therefore, one may go in search of help outside leaving a full packed peer next to his/her desk. The skills will enlighten me on the recommended ways of doing referrals as well as the key consideration to take into consideration when choosing partners to ensure a wide range of professionalism. For children with disabilities professionals collaboratively work with families of children in abuse and trauma to ensure all the children interest is at stake. This does not only benefit the children but also eases the parent’s stress. Parents, children or families undergoing a specific treatment may end up benefiting from other programs and treatment which may not have brought them at a Centre. In contrary, Indi dualistic ventures in health do not offer these benefits as various treatments are in different locations such that one needs to travel, book a new appointment and pay for the services (Bruder, 2010).

This not only costs the client on time and finance bases but also degrades the client motivation on attending private ventures. The fragmentation resulting from privatization can be countered by the interagency partnership as well as partnerships (Bruder, 2010) hence enabling children or families with more than one problem to benefit from same roof or compound. Through highlighting various drawbacks associated with individualism and the benefits of partnerships I will be in a good position to choose the best suit venture. Travel inconveniences and time wastage resulting from shifting from one centre to another in search of professionals is minimized which impacts greatly into the lives of people. Similarly, partnerships are preferable by the populace as they are sure of complete diagnostic and treatment under the same roof. This not only benefits the patient or the family but also earns the firm cash from the preference of the populace. This will result in my choice of working in partnership.

According to (Walsh and Backe, 2013) students that engage in a collaborative learning session feel confident of their acquired skills while the teachers greatly benefit from their peer’s expertise. Therefore, to effectively impact the lives of my client I will need to collaborate not only with employee(s) but also the clients. Guo and colleagues (2011) findings that professionals efficacy was heightened their constant engagement in decision making as well as the feeling of a substantive community setting. This will instill a notion of satisfaction as a result of social inclusion enabled by partnerships. From reflective times of professionals as others carry out their practices boosters and refine their knowledge about their professionalism (Wesley and Buysse 2001). By accepting these facts, I will have the motivation based on acquiring these advantages. This will position me, and ensure my preparedness to be included in partnerships in workplaces now and in future. Basing on the fact that social exclusion is handled through integration, learning the topic will be of great importance. Many workers are dissatisfied not because of payments but more due to exclusion in decision making. By use of the integrative skills, I will be in a position to make use all the brains by engaging the professionals whenever needed. This will enhance fast implementation of the plans hence effectiveness and efficiency in service delivery. I will also be in a position to reduce incidences of the practitioners producing counter products which would affect the marketing of the products from my institution.

Similarly, the knowledge will ease demystification and assign of obligation to other professionals (Carson and Carnwell, 2007).By ascribing to partnership building and maintenance, I will be able to merge diverse professionals and enhance coordination. This will reduce competition and encourage specialization in an area that one has trained. This will also effectively stop service dilution as cross-pollination of ideologies and facts will boost the productivity day in day out. Without knowledge of the essence of partnering, I will not effectively be able to manage or work with these institutions and have a continued productivity. As Dowling et al. (2004) state: it is difficult to find a contemporary policy document or set of good practice guidelines that do not have collaboration as the central strategy for the delivery of welfare (p. 309).

Learning this topic which broadly lights on the importance of partnership, I will be psychologically convinced that combined power achieved through integration works. I will, therefore, be eager and always engaged whenever needed as well as availing myself whenever a call to. The potential benefits of joined-up government include the better use of resources, elimination of overlaps, creation of synergies and the delivery of seamless services. By going through this topic, I will be in a position to argue correctly and effectively make use of partners in my position of work. I will also be in a better position to assimilate the right professionals and establish a streamlined chain of authority and functioning. However, achieving these benefits is challenging because of the associated problems of securing accountability and democratic legitimacy, managing complexity and coping with shifting power relationships, higher transaction costs and the difficulties of measuring success (Petch, Cook and Miller, 2013).

Therefore, by going through the involved topics, I will be well prepared to handle these challenges in any position of work to better the outcomes by integrating other members in my line of duty. Evaluation is an important factor in every business or institution. Basing on Williams and Sullivan, (2007) the cost of partnership especially the engagement of senior managers as well as in establishing concrete plans and delivery arrangement is high. Similarly, according to Newman (2001) delayed and decline in responsiveness resulting from complex, time-consuming collaborative processes in decision making hampers the process.

By learning more about these perspectives on the topic, I will be well equipped to evaluate options before focusing on one line of action. Negative consequences as noted by Glasby and Lester (2004) will be taken into account before engaging in any collaborative working option. This will greatly reduce chances of work stress in cases where the collaborations turn out to be very costly. Just as any other human being, health workers face personal problems such as stress, workaholism, and long working hours which inherently affect their performance. This requires Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) which take the initiative of supporting the worker’s wellness and health. This drastically reduces absenteeism, enhances employee retention, boosts performance and reduces the cost of intervening to health complications which would otherwise result. This knowledge will suit my preparedness to deliver as well as the capacity to derive various methods of enhancing partnership in a work environment. Similarly, the knowledge will instil various steps of ensuring employee and client performance to prevent possible negative claims from either party. I will, therefore:

  • Share power, and responsibilities down the leadership В· Work inclusively with all member parties including the clients: this will enhance acceptability as decisions, implementations and control plans are meaningful to all.
  • Seek to collaboratively design and produce services as per the members and users needsВ· Ensure internal service providers constantly attend to the professionals to ensure safety and satisfaction
  • Encourage all members to practice ethical leadership, value and skills as they work togetherВ· Engage with external organizations and the community: this will enhance quick and satisfactory service provision as well as finding solutions to upcoming problems

As indicated above, the partnership is amust go in health and social care setup up where a lot of specialization is required. However, this does not demean the necessity of partnership in other fields. In health and social care where a myriad of departments are involved requires motivation from all around the personnel irrespective of his or her level. As illustrated, a nurse, an aesthetician and a doctor have distinct obligations in a surgery room. If the involved processes are not effectively coordinated by respective professionals, failure knocks. To achieve the desired coordination for efficient and effective performance, selection of professionals, terms of work and consideration of spatial fixes is therefore important.

This implies that professional’s motivation is determined by the suitability of the environment this should be highly endowed. With the right motivation, on is able to bring all the participants on board, neutralize their differences and harmonize their goals to counter day to day medical challenges. However, the success of these partnerships is based on the understanding of core values in a partnership which are encoded in a partnership topic. Therefore, the criticality of the topic justifies taking a step to sit unlearn false ideologies and learn the new valuable ideologies of building and maintaining a partnership.


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