Observing a Local Manager

Leadership forms a critical part of every entity’s success since the leader aligns and drives the goals and objectives of the company. An observation and interview of Manager X of X Company was conducted and the following details and analyses were collected from the exercise. One of the areas that were found to be critical to the manager was the weekly meetings with the employees where they would engage and deliberate on the achievement of the set goals for the team. The manager holds meetings every Monday where they engage with the employees with everyone having an opportunity to raise questions and suggest the best direction for the company. (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013) The manager gives a chance to all the employees to give their views or report and the team makes the decision on the best direction towards meeting the goals set. Although the manager is firm he still gives a chance to others to give their views on the models created. In addition, the manager also holds regular meetings with the supervisors within the week depending on the specific role and the set goals that have been set. Briefing by the manager is regular and the critical models have to be mapped through essentially created since it maps a proper trend in the system. As leaders, this helps in understanding the direction of the company and creating the systems developed.

Manager X also interacted with the employees and looked to help the employees to become more productive. A hand on approach was used for new employees as the manager wanted to help them adopt seamlessly in the company through offering his help in the workplace to develop proper models of change in the system. The manager has a critical model towards developing the proper model that has been identified towards underlining the essential and critical changes identified. (Kark and Shamir, 2013) The manager has good communication and engagement with others at the workplace that is engaged in affiliation and agency that have been developed. The affiliation and agency of the set systems map out specific tools that have been defined and outlined through the engagement with all the employees in any level. The manager engages all the workers in the team and ensures that there are significant processes that are matched towards creating the specific processes of helping and engaging with each other.

A delegation of duties to the team members depending on the strengths of the individuals and behavioral models developed is also essential. The manager delegates the duties to all the workers and believes in their ability to take action and develop proper actions and set models needed within the system. Manager X has belief in the workers that make the workers more productive and committed to working for the entity and creating better methods of change needed. The delegation of duties ensures that the Manager is agreeable amongst the workers and gives everyone a chance to work in a good environment. There are creative models mapped that are indicative of the patterns developed and creating a strong presence of change that is needed towards aligning with the critical goals of the company (Kark and Shamir, 2013). The leader is calm and collected and appears to disengage emotions from his role as a leader. The composure and critical engagement in the system ensure that the leader has a good rapport with the workers.

Attention to detail and critical assessment is also one of the main tools used by the manager. The manager is highly intelligent and calls to task every employee due to the reports were given. The leader has a good connection with the workers due to the work ethic that he shows the workers as he is highly integrated into the working environment and uses his position in the company to integrate the proper tools of change needed. As a manager, one has to inspire others and this is mainly due to his incredible work ethic and his call to the task of all the employees thereby engaging the specific processes needed in the company accordingly (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). Manager X drives workers towards improving the level of productivity through developing the best practices and participating in the methods and actions taken. It is a proper account of change that is essentially defined and modeled in the system and integrates the best-mapped approaches towards attending to proper tools in the organization. The belief and drive towards the set vision and mission of the company is also commendable. The leader believes in the products and processes that are defined thereby creating a good relationship and inspiring the workers. Leaders have a responsibility to create a potent approach that is needed under the set systems (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). It is imperative for individuals to create proper and acceptable approaches essential for overseeing the critical changes needed for managerial positions. There are many defining actions that are needed mapping out a specific nature needed in the company over the long-run.

One of the areas where the Manager does not assess or develop tools for monitoring the specific traits is in performance reviews and appraisals. Performance reviews and appraisals are a critical part of measuring the performance of the workers and improving the main methods needed in the company (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). The manager, however, noted that the interaction with the employees on a regular basis serves to help with understanding their needs and creating the best methods to improve their productivity. The Manager runs a closed system where he relies on his management skills and interaction with the workers to deliberate on the methods developed. The Manager has a critical role to play in identifying the proper approaches needed and create an actionable process for change that is aligned with the main tools as identified towards developed better motivational processes. The Manager has a responsibility to measure the individual traits of the workers through proper performance reviews that can be used to gauge the output of the workers as well as the supervisors (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). Performance reviews are critical to for the owners to gauge the output and productivity of all workers including the manager. They are also used by the managers to negotiate for better motivating factors and indicate any problems that the workers may be facing in their roles within the entity.

The role that is given to the supervisors and other members of the team are similar to a laissez-faire model of leadership where the manager allows the workers to decide and develop the main models identified in the change process. It is proper to create an actionable model of change that essentially develops the systems identified in the society. The recruitment and training process is essentially created and outlined in the systems defined. It is essential to create a proper model of change and actionable processes needed in creating a better approach towards igniting and developing a change in the society (McCleskey, 2014). It is definitive for individuals to work out a proper chain of events that are essentially modeled and highlighted through important measures and models of change. The main precepts that have been predefined indicate a critical pattern that the manager has taken to create a good working environment for the workers. The engagement and participation of the manager in the training and recruitment process also ensure that the workers selected and trained for individual roles in the entity have the proper traits towards engaging in the specific roles (McCleskey, 2014). It is essentially critical to engage different models of training and recruitment that is focused on gaining the best from the workers and driving their commitment to the work ethic within the entity.
An analysis of the interview and data collected reveals that the manager is a transformational leader who inspires others through the methods developed. The traits and work ethic that has been inculcated within the setting indicates that the main models that have been developed indicate a proper pattern of change needed. It is critical to ensure that the main measures instituted align to the critical models needed in developing essential traits that are properly defined (Breevart et al, 2014). The interview reveals that the strength of the company is hinged on the ………………………….